Friday, March 28, 2008

WunBePosting-In A LongLong time

Yesterday had NPAP trg.

Was Quite slack, usual stuff, just some rifle drills instead of flag drills, lucky i choose flag instead of rifle.

The bus ride back to SJI was fun. Me and vivek were listening to ipod and singing at the same time. We were quite soft, so i hopefully tink nobody heard us.

Rivalry between SJI and St margaret's. Thx to Ashiq..

Then after that when back to SJI from ACS for streaming talk. Ci kang, Kiok Yew and Ji Jie went Tanglin to slack?

Vivek, me, Ashiq and shaik went streaming talk, only to find out it was gonna end in 10min?
When me and vivek entered PAC, we saw all the sec2 form tutors, saw AK and Rahimah.
They were like shocked to see me and vivek here that late>?

Then me and vivek went to enter, Jude tan said 10min left so might as well wait outside. Ok so we did. Then saw classmates, Charles, Timo, Rx, Yufeng ect. That was when ashiq and shaik entered. Ashiq told us he was like talking to st margaret girls in the bus. Whatever...

Waited for my father. Wait like 1min? At first i didn't see him. He walked very fast. Xing Kui(lucky) Ashiq saw him and told me. Me and my father were like lol? Tink maybe half my class noes my father?

Dad brought me home, told me to study harder after listening to the sec2 streaming talk. Nag Nag Nag. But i will study harder for my parent's sake. My mother is in thailand now for work.

My whole body feels sore now, in fact i had muscle cramps. Took a panadol pill. Relieved pain in like 5min. Very effective.

As the title suggests, I wun be updating in a veryvery long time. Why? Cause I nid to study, duh? Wednesday lan session wif Kim Guan, Bo zhi, Rx, Mark and Ci kang. Maybe can 3v3 if even? K gotta go. BB =DDD

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Ok, today was supposed to be enrichment day, go to battlesites trail.
I didnt go. I wasnt feeling well. On MC.

Anyway, the reason why i havent been updating recently is cause i am 2 busy.
Busy with what? Studying of course~
You might think... "yar rite" to the above sentence.
But thats where YOU are WRONG.

I am now restricted to the amount of time i get to use the computer.
30min per session. 2times a day.
After listening to my parents scoldings, I have decided to change.
No more slacking, less playing, MORE STUDYING.

Although i study, i go lan wif my frens to distress, not go day everyday ok.

Here is my top 5 piorities now.
1. Study
3. Friends
4. Computer
5. More study.

If you think i am a ponner in npcc, go ahead. I can tell you I AM NOT.
Sometimes i pon, but most of the times i dun go is cause i on MC.
I am seriously sick, I dun care if you tink i pon w/o reason.

If you dun like it, KINDLY FUCK OFF.
I dun nid you, just scram, I have other frens who support my decisions.

NPCC is merely a CCA.
To be honest, I didnt want to join npcc. It was my cousin's wish, cause they all npcc..
I dun care if i leave NPCC with the rank of cadet or without any badges, study is MORE IMPORTANT RITE NOW.

Let me tell you this, suppose you are damm enthu, you become Station Inspector, while someone else gets FANTASTIC results and your results suck. Who wins at the end of the day?
You become the SI, the other guy goes to university and has a bright future. What do you get?
An SI rank with no future. I really tink that studying is 101% more important than npcc ok.

So get a life and f off mother dogs of npcc.

No more 20 odd position in class for me. This time, no.1 position is my target. I won't fail my parents, who have supported me in my ever decision. I just wanna say I LOVE YOU to my FAMILY. You guys are the best support. Frens, thank you for brightening up my day. GF for boosting my happiness level.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

No title required

NPAP trg yesterday was damm fun.
Ok yar. Well nt exactly fun, especially the part where we wore no.1 under the sun.
The number of casualties were like WOW.

Anyway nt feeling welll rite now. Having fever and very bad throat.
Gona see doctor later.
Haiz somemore later still got tuition.

My fren told me a story yesterday after NPAP. Its about romance lah. Might sound abit... but still super touching lar.

Count Vlad was a vampire. He was not the average I want your blood kind of vampire. He was charming, had good manners and was magnimous. Although he had good looks, he was considered a 'Freak' cause he is after all, still a vampire.

One day he was looking out of his castle window when he saw a beautiful woman taking a stroll.
It was love at first sight, Vlad immediately changed into a bat, flew down and hid behind the woman, observing her every move after changing back to his original form. This tailing went on for very long until he stepped on a twig. She turned around and saw Vlad, the handsome vampire. She gave him a smile, which was the best smile Vlad had ever seen. Noticing her delicate features, Vlad instantly took a greater liking to her.

Asking for her name, Vlad found out from her that she was called Helen. Although Helen found Vlad handsome, she knew he was still a vampire and love could never have a chance to occur. Vlad became bolder, he took her hand and said to her "My dear lovely Helen, please give me a chance to take care of you, to love you for eternity till death do us apart". Helen blushing, reluctantly said she needed sometime to think about it. "Whats the matter Helen, am I not worthy of you?" "Its not that Vlad, you are very handsome and you look like the kind of guy I can depend on, its just that I am engaged to another man"

Hearing this, Vlad became disheartened. You mean you are going to marry another man? " Yes, I am afraid so, but I don't like this man, he was recommended to me by my father". Vlad became enraged. "Then this is not true love!" he raged. Helen told Vlad that her father was not the kind of guy you can mess around with, he was influential, and could have you killed easily. Laughing, Vlad said it was not easy to kill him. Helen said her father would freak out should he realise you are a vampire. Vlad told her to return to the castle 3days later till he had a plan.

3days passed, Helen went back to the castle, she saw Vlad waiting for her at the gate. "Take me to where you and your father stays". She brought him to this huge mansion with gigantic structures. Vlad asked Helen to open the door. Helen did so and they both went in together. Helen opened the door to the house, and she and Vlad entered. Upon entering, Vlad saw an elderly man who looked richly dressed and another man, who was hideous looking, he had a scar which ran down his face. Her father who saw Vlad said, "Who is this monster?" Helen replied, " he is the love of my life, please let me marry him dad". "You..You.. Unfilial..Daught.. before he could end his sentence, her father fainted. The other man, who was Helen's fiance, enraged asked Helen how could she betray him. He took a hunting gun and aimed it at Vlad. Vlad changed into a bat and bit his arm, crying in pain, the man dropped the gun.

The man, being a coward ran away in fear. Helen thought Vlad and her problem had been solved. That was when a bullet pierced Vlad's Heart, followed by more and more bullets raining on him. Seeing her father carrying the gun, she asked him to stop it. Her father instead shot all the bullets in the gun till it ran out. Vlad, blood pouring out of his body like water gushing from a dam, dropped to his knees, grabbed Helen's hand and said "till Death do us apart".

Helen, tears dropping from her eyes clutched onto his hand tightly. Then Vlad closed his eyes and departed from the world. Helen, saddened by the departure of her love, took a fruit knife, before cutting her wrist, held on tightly to Vlad's hand and killed herself. Her father seeing her dead, suffered a heart attack and died as well.

The next day, people rushed to the scene inside the house when a terrible odour was detected in it. People saw the two lovers, hand in hand with smiles on their faces. Hence they were named the forbidden lovers.

Mega touching rite?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Broodmother Pawns.

Today very funny larhhs =)))
At computer studies class, one group made a video recording.
Their topic dunno what. But they damm boliao leh. Made fun of my good fren =.="

Lol ok this was what happened. To protect the privacy of him, lets call him "F".
He hates to be called "F" cause it means something funny. I always call him that lorhs=)
Lucky he nvr hit me so hard, but quite pain leh.

Cause today me and my group also doing that com project. Then suddenly, com studies teacher, Sundari Lakshmanan(Sorry if spelled wrongly =P) said she wanted us to take a break by watching a sample of another group's video.

Then the video about one "guy" who has one eyebrow -.- 208 guys, you noe who i am referring to ;D acted in the show. He so drama. He did normal acting until the last part where he did an action which "F" hates like siao. That action refers to the funny part of his name. =.= Whole Class roared with laughter. I am not making fun of "F" he is my good fren. In fact i was pissed of with the guy who did that. That guy is hated in my class FYI.

"F" who is in my group, was extremely, stress the word, angry like berserk. I mean how can you blame him? Whole class saw leh so "..." I told him nt to feel sad, and ppl like him are too boliao. Ok, after the com class guess what he did? He went up to that extra guy, whacked him EXTREMELY hard on the neck area, till he CRIED. Well, I have to say i felt he deserved it although based on human rights, it is wrong.

NVM, dun feel sad "F" I wrote this to help you cheer up =) Come on give me a smile ;DDD Yar keep it this way<--- "F" YOU ARE 1000xBTR than that ONE EYEBROW guy.

Btw today tried Broodmother in dota. Gay like siao. Early game tio pawned. Late game owned. 12kills. Gonna experiment with new items for Broodmother.

Late le. Gd nite =D
Tmr NPAP training haiz...
At least can skip that boring trip to duno what police heritage blahblahblah =x

Monday, March 17, 2008

My pillar.

HaVeNt' SeeEn YoU in WeEkS,
FeEliNg SaD WiiTouT yoU.
YoU aRe tHe ReAsOn I COnTiNuE BrEaThiNg.
YoU aRe tHe ReAsOn I SleeP PeaCeFUllY.
WiiTouT yoU LiiFe WoUlD Beee~MeaNiNgLeSs...
All I want to say is... I miss you alot.
Where are you MonDria? Haiz...
MeeT YoU on ThUrSdAy baRRhs.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ivan's random fun

Well, Ivan wants me to do this random thingy...
"List 7 quirks,habits,facts about myself.

1: I love playing computer. Com addict =x
2: I have a gf.
3: I was from St.Michaels Primary, known as SJI-Junior now.
4: I spend money without thinking.
5: I lurve playing soccer.
6: I love dark colours, black,blue,purple,red ect.
7: I HATE annoying ppl like YOU. =)

*I am not gonna ask other 7ppl to do the same. Its too boliao oready.

Anyway, sch starts tmr...
New term wif a new beginning.
Have to meet Mr Karl Lee tmr wif CiKang as we were not in full-u that day.
Sigh` expect a long day tmr.
So tired...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Schs's gonna start T.T

Cant belief hw time flies~

Monday sch reopen.
Sob la Holiday so short...

Better make the best use out of the remaining time i have left.
To study, complete holiday hmw, reflect on my past mistakes and to play more com.

Going out for dinner with my tution frenz for a BBQ in an hours time.
My tution teacher quitting nia sobsob ;(
She so young quitting leh. Ok lar, maybe nt quit but on maternity leave. =)
But still few months till we will be seeing her again.

Dearest Mrs Chew,
We will nvr forget the times we irritated you, the times you irritated us...
Life is short, time is precious, come back faster leh =( later our results "yi luo qian zhang"
After going through 2yrs with you, I am proud to say you are my teacher.
You have shared with us ur knowledge, ur time, our $$$ >:o Jus kidding.
But still we will nvr forget you.

From the BOYS n GIRLS of your tuition class.

Come back soon =(

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Back from UTC

UTC was = TORTURE camp.
It was fun, INTENSE, and hard core.

Basically the camp lots of push-ups thats all.
Was the 2nd IC for day 1 and had to collect the key to bunk.

After break camp today, went HTA with NPAP fellas to collect NO.1 uniform.
1word describes the NO.1 uniform~Stylo

Ok, time to get on with hol hmw...

Ci Kang~Remember to take pictures of us in No.1 on that day.
Once in a LIFETIME exprience =)


Sunday, March 9, 2008

B0ring DaE

Not much happened todae~
Woke up, went for tuition.
Go Lan awhile wif frenz~

And here I am facing the computer screen =)


Besides that tmr got NPCC Unit Training Camp...=(((((
3days 2nites leh WTF!!!
Leech my HOLIDAY time leh Knn~ >:-(

Haiz looks like i cant avoid this crap camp. =(
Wanted to get MC but haiz... abit fever but nvm la i veri *weida* =)
Looks like have to "REN MING" la. -.-
Sob. See you on Wednesday =(

Friday, March 7, 2008

cheZ m0i

Long time nvr blog alr.
This is my new blog. Eternal Unrest blog is dead so dun bother bout it~

Yesterdays entry:

Went to HTA ytd. Had GOH flag training as usual. Slack sia n0 kik at all.
Standard flag drills oni~

Then met a chio girl at HTA. She is not in flag contigent though=( bummer.
Her name is Stacey. She in the GOH rifle cont. We chatted for like siao can?`
She is also sec2. She from what sch i forgot though =x.

She plays dota ok!~ We agreed to play at Lan sometime.
Anyway, she is damm chio ok. =D

Then after slacking till 6.00pm, we(SJI squad and area 15 squad) boarded the bus back to ACS.
Bus this time suPer early. WE were one of the first sch to leave HTA.
Last week we were like so DiuLian(loose face), we were last to leave HTA.
I remembered vividly we challenged another sch(2nd last to leave) for 2nd last position.
In the end we lost. They marched faster and we were last to leave that week. =(

OK, after dropping at ACS, SJI squad and the two CIs took SBS back to SJI.
Well a few unpleasant things happened during the journey. I dun wana mention.
In the bus and when we alighted, somemore unpleasant things happened.

YAr then took SBS back home wif VIVEK MURALI.
Vivek stays like 5min away from me.
Who is vivek? HE is a smart ass who got 2nd in class~
Met him since P6. We different pri sch though.

We are fated in many Many ways;] (NOT GAY THOUGH)
~We met during P6 at chinese tuition.
~We got the same psle score.
~we are in the same sch.
~we are in the same class for 2yrs.
~we are both in NPCC.
~we both love fun~

Cheers bloggy. Romance~De~Amor